Napoleon’s Penis

It may be distasteful, but I just read this story in Time about the fate of Napoleon’s penis and thought it worth sharing here. According to Time: People have been fixated on Napoleon’s penis since Napoleon’s doctor allegedly cut it off during his...

Napoleon’s hair found in Sydney Town Hall

Hey folks, sorry about the delay between shows. I’m on my way back from a business trip to Nicaragua, David’s busy, etc etc. Something coming up soon. Meanwhile, here’s a snippet of news for you from Down Under: A FEW clippings of hair apparently...

The Shed Gives Us A Nice Review

A very generous review of this show by the strangely-named blog “What The Shed Looks At”. And what a list of podcasts we’re associated with! Another episode coming soon folks – I’m working on some very special guests!

Updating the Theme

Hey folks, I’m updating the Napoleon site to the new theme, so it’s going to look wonky for a couple of days while I tweak things. Don’t panic!