A brief Napoleon Bonaparte history and timeline:
15 August 1769: born
1799: stages a coup d’état and installs himself as First Consul
1793: publishes a pro-republican pamphlet, Le Souper de Beaucaire [Supper at Beaucaire]; appointed artillery commander of the republican forces at the siege of Toulon
1794: arrested for his association with the Robespierres (released after ten days)
5 October 1795: promoted to Commander of the Interior; defeated the Royalist insurrection with a “whiff of grapeshot”; given command of the Army of Italy
9 March 1796: married to Josephine de Beauharnais
1796: the Battles of Lodi, Arcole
1797: Treaty of Campo Formio
1798: French Invasion of Egypt; Napoleon’s troops discover the Rosetta Stone; the Battle of the Pyramids, The Battle of the Nile.
1799: Napoleon returns to France; 18 Brumaire 1799 he replaces the Directory with the Consulate, with himself at the head as First Consul.
1800: crosses the Alps into Italy; Battle of Marengo
1801: Treaty of Lunéville; Treaty of Amiens
1802: sells Louisiana to the United States; creates the Légion d’Honneur; made First Consul for Life; publishes the Napoleonic code
1804: execution of the Duke of Enghien; Napoleon crowned Emperor of The French on December 2, 1804
1805: War of the Third Coalition; the Ulm Campaign; The Battle of Trafalgar; The Battle of Austerlitz; commissions the Arc de Triomphe
1806: War of the Fourth Coalition; Battle of Jena-Auerstedt
1807: Battle of Eylau; the Treaties of Tilsit signed with Tsar Alexander I of Russia; the Peninsular War
1809: War of the Fifth Coalition; the Battle of Wagram; the Treaty of Schönbrunn
1810: divorces Josephine; marries the Austrian Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma
1812: French invasion of Russia; the Battle of Borodino; War of the Sixth Coalition
1813: the Battle of Dresden; the Battle of Leipzig
1814: 11 April, the first abdication. Exiled to Elba.
1815: escapes from Elba on 26 February; defeated at the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815; requests asylum from the British Captain Frederick Maitland on HMS Bellerophon on 15 July; exiled to the island of Saint Helena.
5 May 1821: dies
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