A few weeks ago I took my kids for a drive out to Benalla in country Victoria to visit a few Ned Kelly memorial sites (Ned is a very famous Australian folk hero).
To my surprise, at the Benalla and District Historical Society, I discovered this display. It is, apparently, one of the drums used by the Dutch forces at Waterloo and was handed down to a local family.
Hello all
Was reading another website about the Swedish spoils of war over time and found a interesting fact about a Bonaparte item.
“The last trophy ever prized by the Swedes was a red portfolio belonging to Napoleon Bonaparte. The portfolio was used by Napoleon for keeping newspapers and documents. The Swedes found it after the battle of Leipzig in 1813.”
Listeners to this podcast might be interested in a BBC Radio documentary I found on their archive site – looking at the ambivalent attitude history has had towards Napoleon, and how even the British have in many cases nursed a cult of Boney in opposition to the more traditional opprobium heaped on his head. It can be heard here:
Andrew (UK)
Hey cam or david, any news on when the next installment of Napoleon Podcast will be coming?