It’s almost enough to make me believe in God. A new Napoleon film comes out. And it stars Monica Belluci. What more could I ever ask for??? (Okay, apart from actually getting to meet Monica…).
Elba island, 1814. Martino is a young teacher, idealist and strongly anti-Napoleonic, in love with the beautiful and noble Baroness Emily. The young man finds himself serving as librarian to the Great Emperor in exile whom he deeply hates yet soon begins recording Napoleon’s memoirs, getting to know and learning to value the man behind the myth. Among seductions and affairs, expectations and fears, he will craft a precise portrait that never less will not manage to hide a final, inevitable, disappointment.
Here’s a link to the trailer (in Italian).
Ohh Cameron I knew about this film last year 🙁 Hopefully we get an English translation sometime soon.
Actually I find it rather odd that more recent Napoleon films have such a comedic edge to them like ‘Io e Napoleone’ and also ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. There is also ‘Napoleon and Betsy’ scheduled to star Scarlett Johanssen which might also be humorous or even romance or possibly romantic/comedy, the details are unclear. I do hope Scarlett does not play Betsy though as she’s about 10 years too old. Some how I doubt we’ll see film makers making humorous films about Hitler.
Yes I’d heard of it before as well but now we have a trailer! And just reading about Monica is never enough.
“humorous films about Hitler”… you wouldn’t be comparing Napoleon to Hitler, would you Kaboth??? You know that kind of reception that will get you around these parts!
What about “The Producers”? “Springtime For Hitler”?? 🙂
You’re right of course I guess there are some humorous Hitler films 🙂
In my ignorance of the existence of humorous Hitler films I sought to present the disparity between Napoleon and Hitler by pointing out that Hitler is not someone people make fun of.
I do wish they would make more video games on the Napoleonic Wars though, there’s so much WW2 stuff out there, although its all pretty sensitive, I’m pretty sure there are no games where you actually play as a Nazi in a story-driven mode.
Histwar: Les Grognards looks like the ultimate Napoleonic Wars simulator though. Being able to fight Austerlitz in real time over a 3 day period sounds awesome. A question for David perhaps? Do you ever use computer games as a teaching aid? I think they serve a valuable purpose to really give a good visual idea of how battles were staged. If I teach some day I hope to use them as a teaching tool.
oh I would LOVE a Napoleonic XBOX game. THAT would be wicked.
Especially if Monica made an appearance. 🙂
Years, and I mean YEARS ago, (maybe late 80s-early 90s) there was a regular Nintendo (!!! Yikes !!!!) game called “L’Empereur” I believe. I played it as a kid all the time…despite all of the Battlefield series computer games, etc, it was still my favorite Napoleonic video game. Anyone else ever hear of it?
Cameron, I am shocked –SHOCKED!–at your obsession with Monica! Knock it off and leave her to me! 😉
As to games, I’m just old fashioned, I guess, but I still miss the days I used to play Risk. It seems to me that a Napoleonic version came out somewhere along the line, but I’ve lost track.