Check Out The Caesar Show

Check Out The Caesar Show

Here’s a plug for the Life Of Caesar podcast, hosted by Cameron and Ray Harris. It’s been going since Dec ’13, has about 80,000 listeners and ranks in the Top 100 podcasts in the USA, UK, AUS and CAN, so check it out!...
Napoleon Book Partly Basis For Book Of Mormon?

Napoleon Book Partly Basis For Book Of Mormon?

A couple of Canadian whizzkids recently released the results of a breakthrough textual analysis they did on The Book Of Mormon and highlighted the books they believe LDS founder Joseph Smith used as inspiration when he wrote the book (Mormons, of course, believed he...
More Podcasts!

More Podcasts!

If you haven’t noticed yet, David and I have recorded another couple of political podcasts in recent weeks. Click on the images below to visit my other site and immerse yourself in the most intelligent political discussion you’ve heard in a long, long...
Markham & Reilly Record A Podcast!

Markham & Reilly Record A Podcast!

Well we’ve been threatening to do this for YEARS and it’s finally happened. David and I recorded a new podcast! About US politics! I know, I know – some of you HATE that idea – but the good news is, you don’t have to listen to it!...
War Gamers Remember the Battle Of Leipzig

War Gamers Remember the Battle Of Leipzig

200 years ago, in October 1813, Napoleon lead his dwindling army into The Battle Of Leipzig. The war gamers are re-enacting it this weekend – in front of nearly 30,000 spectators, some 6,000 history buffs from across Europe will act out the battles of October...
3D-scanning Napoleon’s battlefield at Borodino

3D-scanning Napoleon’s battlefield at Borodino

From the website of Artec3D: Marking the 200th anniversary of that battle, the Russian Academy of Sciences, commissioned Artec to help with excavation and documentation of the battle field. Artec was tasked with scanning all human and battle-horse remains. The job was...
The Origin Of Napoleon’s Hat

The Origin Of Napoleon’s Hat

I was reading about Frederick The Great of Prussia last night when I came across this picture.   I thought… hmmmm… that hat looks familiar! Napoleon apparently adopted the hat from Frederick The Great of Prussia, whom he greatly admired, who in turn...
TIL Napoleon Invented The Idéologues

TIL Napoleon Invented The Idéologues

Today I learned something new about Napoleon. Apparently he was the first person to use the term “idéologue” pejoratively to describe his opponents – the French politically  liberal intellectuals such as Benjamin Constant, Pierre Jean George...
Napoleon the Waterloo Campaign 4th Edition

Napoleon the Waterloo Campaign 4th Edition

Napoleon The Waterloo Campaign 4th Edition is the latest version of the classic boardgame – was a Kickstarter campaign that was fully (in fact, over-)funded about 18 hours ago. Congrats to Tom Dalgliesh from Columbia Games. People who pledge $295 or more will...