#7 – The Egyptian Campaign

#7 – The Egyptian Campaign

Is it just me or are these shows gradually getting longer? ๐Ÿ™‚ When we last left Napoleon, he had concluded the Italian Campaign with the treaty of Campo Formio and was a national hero. In this episode we talk about the Egyptian Campaign of 1798-99: Too soon for his...

A Short Delay… with Maps!

Our apologies folks. Unfortunately David has had to take an unscheduled trip out of town for a few weeks and it has meant delaying the next show. The Pyramids will have to wait another couple of weeks. Until then, I discovered this site tonight which I thought...


DSC07580 Originally uploaded by Guillaume Laforge. I’ve been here. Terrific experience. I highly recommend it if you’re going to Paris. It’s out in the ‘burbs, a few bus trips out of the CBD, but amazing to walk the halls and grounds of La...